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Onondaga Lake Waterfowl Identification Class

March 7, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: 4007 Bishop Hill Rd., Marcellus, NY, 13108
More Information: https://baltimorewoods.org/event/onondaga-lake-waterfowl-identification-class/

As spring is just around the corner, Onondaga Lake provides a refuge for migrating waterfowl. We will meet at the Honeywell Visitor Center and start with a presentation on waterfowl identification, then use scopes and binoculars to search for waterfowl and other birds on the lake. Through getting to know local waterfowl, we will enrich our knowledge of bird migration and learn about the importance of Onondaga Lake along birds’ journeys.

More details: This program is designed for adults. Space is limited. Online pre-registration is required. This trip will include an indoor presentation followed by a walk on the relatively flat trail to the Marshy Spits overlook. Please