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Tour Boldt Castle in the Thousand Islands

In 2017, New Yorkers crowned the romantic and magnificent Boldt Castle as their most favorite place to visit !

1 Heart Island
Alexandria bay, NY 13607
Explore Tour Historic Boldt Castle Using Our Interactive Map
Located on Heart Island in the U.S. Thousand Islands, this six-story castle is a testament to love and loss, left uncompleted and deserted in 1904 by its owner, George Boldt, after the death of his wife. Now owned by the Thousand Island Transit Authority, the castle has been restored and improved upon, making it one of the most visited tourist attractions in the Thousand Island Region and in all of Upstate NY.

Boldt Castle is only accessible by water. From both Canada and the U.S., visitors may find transportation on either a tour boat (a list of providers can be found HERE ) or by personal pleasure craft. Boaters arriving from Canada must provide proper identification.  


Alexandria bay, NY

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