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Oswego County Tourism

Get the Latest NY State Snowmobile TRAIL MAP !

Ride more than 10,500 miles of Upstate NY Snowmobile Trails during the Winter Months.

(888) 624-3849
NY State Snowmobile Assn.
PO Box 1040 Main St
Pine Bush, NY 12566
Explore Get Snowmobiling Trail MAPS !!   Using Our Interactive Map
Oswego County Fishing
While Upstate New York provides winter fun for every genre, snowmobiling is probably one of, if not the, most popular. And we have the trails to prove it!

Did you know that there are more than 10,500 miles in the Statewide Snowmobile Trail System? These trails traverse 45 counties, are maintained by more than 200 clubs and are funded through 51 municipal sponsors.


Check out the comprehensive New York State Snowmobile Association Trails Map and find additional Snowmobiling information on the website.
Please note that any snowmobile operated in New York State must be registered with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), even if it is registered in another state or province, except under certain special circumstances. Snowmobilers must carry registration and proof of insurance documents on their person, not the snowmobile, at all times while snowmobiling.

Pine Bush, NY

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