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Cayo Industrial Warehouse of Horror

Weekends in October: Get ready to enter a world of horror as you walk through Cayo Industrial's labyrinth of twisted walls exhibiting horrific encounters and thought-provoking imagery.

530 Harbor Way
Rome, NY 13440
Explore Cayo Industrial Warehouse of Horror Using Our Interactive Map
Fridays-Sundays in October, 6:30-10:30 p.m.: Get ready to enter a world of horror as you walk through Cayo Industrial's labyrinth of twisted walls exhibiting horrific encounters and thought-provoking imagery. This intense Halloween attractions bills itself as a representation of horror, conspiracies, conflicts, pandemics and hidden agendas of the real world.

The Warehouse of Horror is an award-winning, post-apocalyptic themed walkthrough horror attraction, earning enthusiastic reviews such as “incredible,” “terror filled” and a “masterpiece of horror.”

Please note this haunted attraction is geared for adults and while not recommended for children younger than 12, they are allowed with parental supervision and discretion.

Rome, NY

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