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Oswego County Tourism
Oswego County 728

o where the Chinook, Coho, Steelhead & Bass are biting!  With optional guide services, you'll have no trouble catching rod-bending Salmon, Steelhead & Bass on Great Lakes Erie & Ontario and nearby tributaries including the Oswego & Salmon rivers.


During the Summer months, Charter Boats  take daily excursions to the deep waters of Lake Ontario and Inland Lakes .. and in the the Spring & Fall, the sport of 'Urban fishing'  is popular along the downtown riverbanks and walkways of the Oswego River in Oswego  and Salmon RIver in Pulaski, where anyone with a fishing license - including the kids - can catch giant migrating Salmon as they make their way upstream 

Related Topic: Kayak Fishing Tips and Guide



For a unique Family Experience, Visit the local

  Fish Hatcheries  



During the Spring & Fall, see young fry and fingerlings in various stages of development, observe egg harvesting, and learn how the lakes, rivers, and streams are restocked.



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