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Advertise with DUNY, The Premier Travel Website for All 9 Regions of Upstate NY !
Join the ever-expanding list of Organizations and Attractions that reach Travelers and Vacationers through Ads placed on the award-winning Discover Upstate NY tourism website. Known as the 'Go To' site, DUNY promotes over 3,800 attractions in and around 77+ Upstate Cities, Towns & Counties, and serves more than 1.8+ million viewers annually.
Attractions, Resorts, Hotels, Campgrounds & Lodgings, Wineries, Breweries, Restaurants and all brands interested in reaching this audience can benefit from placing an ad on DiscoverUpstateNY.com. It's core to bringing your destination to the forefront and increasing tourism!
2023-24 DUNY Ad Rates & Options
Top of Page Rotating Banner Ad on over 3,500 web pages -
- Banner Ad #1 (758 W x 180 H pix) $1,700 / 6 mo. or $3,230 / 1 yr.
- Banner Ad #2 (600 W x 180 H pix) $1,550 / 6 mo. or $3,050 / 1 yr.
Extra Large Ad (758 W x 196 H pix) $1,475 / 6 mo. or $2,800 / 1 yr.
Large Ad (502 W x 196 H pix) $850 / 6 mo. or 1,650 / 1 yr.
Medium Ad (246 W x 196 H pix) $575 / 6 mo. or $1,075 / 1 yr.
Blog post with 5 photos & Links (750 to 1200 word count) $350.00
Medium, Large & Extra Large ads are displayed on 20+ main menu pages.
Google analytics are included @ 6 months & 1 Year for all ads
Medium, Large & Extra Large ads are displayed on 20+ main menu pages.
Google analytics are included @ 6 months & 1 Year for all ads

> BONUS - Advertisers with a One-year Banner Ad (#1 or 2) or Extra-Large Ad receive a FREE write-up page on the DUNY website.
> BONUS - Get a FREE MEDIUM AD (246W) with Banner Ad (#1 or 2), Extra Large (758W), or Large (502W) Ad
> BONUS - Seasonal Ad Changeouts are allowed 2 times/per year // not available for 6 month ads.
> BONUS - All Paid advertisers are entitled to TWO monthly Facebook Reposts to the 26,000+ 'liked' Discover Upstate NY facebook page
- Submit Image formats as .jpeg or .png
- Add $100 for DUNY to create a Custom Ad design for you.
- Blog post contents are subject to Publisher approval, and ad displays on specific pages may depend upon available spacing.
2023/24 Special: take an additional 10% off DiscoverupstateNY ads when you advertise in any JMF Magazine, including: Upstate Summer Magazine, Journey Magazine, (see below) 1000 Islands/Tug Hill Craft Beverage Map, and Adirondack Hiking, Pddling & Fishing Magazines.