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The U.S. Life-Saving Service in Oswego

April 13, 2019
Time: 1:30 PM
Host/Presenter: H. Lee White Maritime Museum
Location: 1 West First St. Pier, Oswego, NY 13126, Oswego, NY, 13126
Phone: 1-315-342-0480
More Information: www.hlwmm.org

The H. Lee White Maritime Museum at Oswego is pleased to present “The U.S. Life-Saving Service in Oswego” as its first installment to the 2019 History Lecture Series featuring Ted Panayotoff, coauthor of Lighthouses & Life-Saving at Oswego and former chairman of the City of Oswego’s Lighthouse Development Committee.

The lecture will feature a brief historical overview of the U.S. Life-Saving Service in Oswego which, as a predecessor of the U.S. Coast Guard, had a presence in Oswego between 1878 and 1915. Panayotoff will also dive further into the people, places, and events of the Life-Saving Service making use of images from Lighthouses & Life Saving at Oswego and other collections near and far. As a former resident of Oswego, Ted was instrumental in the Maritime Museum’s efforts to begin restoring and providing public access to the Oswego West Pierhead Lighthouse. He now resides in South Carolina with his wife Jo, but they often return to Oswego to visit family and friends and to check on the progress of the Lighthouse restoration.

The event is FREE and open to the public.

Photo Caption – Pharologist and author Ted Panayotoff gives a tour of the Hunting Island Lighthouse in South Carolina in 2018. He returns to present a talk on the Life Saving Service.
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