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Chautauqua County
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Local Events Calendar

>Heroic Corn Maze Outdoor Adventure

September 10, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Host/Presenter: Fort Ticonderoga
Location: 102 Fort Ti Road, Ticonderoga, NY, 12883
Phone: 1-518-585-2821
More Information: https://www.fortticonderoga.org/experience/explore-adirondacks/heroic-corn-maze/

Bring family and friends along to Fort Ticonderoga's six-acre corn maze designed especially for the fort! Visit the historic fort and then use your knowledge of Fort Ticonderoga's history to guide you through towering corn stalks.

The maze is divided into two phases so you can customize your experience.

Kiddie Maze: A short maze specially designed for our youngest visitors is a fun introduction to corn mazes. This maze has twists and turns but no dead ends. Recommended for children up to age four with adult supervision.

"Captain A Ship" Maze Quest: Hidden in the maze are 8 stations each representing a components of an 18th-century ship. Players are given a Quest Card to collect a stamp from each station. It takes perseverance and skill to find all the objects. Great fun for all ages!

Last entry: 4:30 p.m.
Slelo 502