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Local Events Calendar

Lark Hall Winter Market

November 14, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: 351 Hudson Ave, Albany, NY, 12210
Phone: 518-599-5804
Email: Jenn@larkhallalbany.com
More Information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lark-hall-winter-market-tickets-206670496017

Lark Hall will host Winter Market, the first in a series of monthly market events in the historic concert hall located at the corner of Lark Street and Hudson Ave. in Albany. Each month, the market will feature more than 20 makers, farmers, and food vendors, as well as live musical performances from various local artists. Come shop local vendors, sip some brunch beverages from our bar and enjoy the Lark Street Community. Upcoming market dates are: Dec. 12; Jan. 9; Feb. 6; March 13; and April 3.

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