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Oswego County Tourism
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Local Events Calendar

Winter Wild Adventures

February 19, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location: 4007 Bishop Hill Road, Marcellus, NY, 13108
Phone: 315-673-1350
Email: Stacy@baltimorewoods.org
More Information: https://baltimorewoods.org/event/winter-wild-adventures/

Join us on a grand winter adventure for the whole family! Experience games and fun challenges where you’ll learn and practice basic winter survival skills from fire and shelter building to winter navigation and tracking. Through a little collaboration with each other and with nature, you’ll acquire some handy skills to survive the winter. Please dress for the weather. Snowshoes will be provided, if needed. More details: Please dress for the weather. Snowshoes will be available if necessary. Pre-registration is required and due to limited capacities associated with the pandemic, walk-ins cannot be accommodated. At Baltimore Woods Nature Center, the health and safety of our staff and visitors is of utmost importance. All in-person programming will follow best practices for keeping our participants safe, including physical distancing and wearing facial coverings. This program is recommended for families with kids ages 5 and up. Children ages 2 and under are free. Cost: $6 members; $9 public.
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