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The Historic Erie Canal
turns 200 this year

Join the Celebration

Low Bridge ev'ry body down, Low bridge for we're comin' to a town .. What's not to like? After 200 years of commerce, passengers, and cargo (1825-2025) the historic Erie Canal still Inspires

"Since its grand opening in 1825, the Erie Canal has been widely recognized as an engineering marvel that put New York on the map as the Empire State. It transformed New York City into the nation's principal seaport and served as a major “Gateway to the West” for waves of immigrants coming to America. Groundbreaking inventions and social movements took place along the canals where a spirit of entrepreneurship and progressive thinking took hold." - from the Erie Canalway website.


In addition to its status as a National Historic Landmark - the 524 mile System of Canals has become an unparalleled place for happenings, festivals, and Recreational Activities, including hiking, biking, paddling, fishing, small craft boating, boat tours, birding, nature trails & More !



Fairport Canal Days (June 8) ; Kayak Paddle Fest in Geneva (June 21) ; Journey of the Seneca Chief in Buffalo (Sept 24) 

Check the Calendar for Upcoming Activities & Events

Plan a Visit  to the Erie Canal this Year


Map of the (E-W) Erie Canal, including its three (N-S) laterals - the Champlain, Cayuga-Seneca, and Oswego Canals
Slelo 502
Canal Corporation of NY State