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Take the Great Lakes
Seaway Trail
Journey Magazine

It's a Fun-filled Ride

If you're searching for an Upstate Roadtrip with beach going, amazing boating & fishing, lighthouse exploration, and fantastic dining & brews overlooking some of the finest sunsets in the world, then look no further than the Great Lakes Seaway Trail.  Marked with directional road signs following the shores of Great Lakes Erie and Ontario, the Seaway Trail's FOUR Sections  take you to amazing locations, filled with fascinating history and romantic places. (banner photo by Dave Granoff, CEO @ discoverupstateny)



See Fascinating Places along the Shores of Great Lakes Erie & Ontario

With easy-to-follow directions  provided by Wikipedia, you can stay at one place and explore nearby, or See all 4 Sections from Western Pa. to the U.S. - Canadian Border. Whether you're into driving, RV'ing, or biking, the Great Lakes Seaway Trail  is one of America's most historic highways (imagine a "Route 66" in Upstate NY), with each 'Section' presenting a unique travel adventure unto itself.

    Niagara Falls State Park Walking Trails               


"The Great Lakes Seaway Trail  is a 518-mile (834 km) National Scenic Byway  mostly contained in New York but with a small segment in Pennsyivania. The Trail consists of a series of designated roads and highways that travel along the Saint Lawrence Seaway - specificallly Lake Erie, the Niagara River, Lake Ontario, and the Saint Lawrence River. It begins at the Ohio state line in rural Erie County, Pennsylvania, and travels through several cities and villages (including Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Oswego, and Ogdensburg) before ending at the Seaway International Bridge  northeast of the Village of Massena in St. Lawrence County, NY." -  © Wikipedia

Travel Just One or All Four Parts

Lake Erie / Buffalo / Niagara Falls
The Western-most part of the Seaway Trail goes through the Famous Cities of Niagara Falls and Buffalo, and connects the Trail along Lake Erie in Pa to the southern shores of Lake Ontario.
Rochester / Central Lake Ontario
Get a taste of New York's world-famous Wine Country in the Finger Lakes Region, and Explore the City of Rochester with its many Culinary delights, historic places and Exciting Attractions.
Eastern Lake Ontario
Revisit the War of 1812 in Oswego and Sackets Harbor, tour Fort Ontario and the Oswego lighthouse, fish for Salmon in Pulaski, and go dining in the quaint village of Fair Haven..
Thousand Islands / St. Lawrence River
Take a nautical ride to romantic Boldt Castle, visit the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, check out the waterfront & shops of Alexandria Bay and stop by the Remington Museum in Ogdensburg.

Oswego County Tourism