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Join the Great American Bike Tours along the Erie Canal
Central New York
Explore Join the Great American Bike Tours along the Erie Canal Using Our Interactive Map
The Great American Bike Tours offers full shuttle service along the entire 363-mile Erie Canal, as well as cycle-touring trips and packages for cyclists of all ages and abilities.
Rent Bikes & Kayaks Along the Historic Erie Canal
The Finger Lakes
Explore Rent Bikes & Kayaks Along the Historic Erie Canal Using Our Interactive Map
Book Now! The Erie Canal Boat Company offers exciting Recreational biking and kayaking in Fairport & Lockport ..
Enjoy a Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruise
Niagara-Western NY
Explore Enjoy a Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruise Using Our Interactive Map
Experience this AAA Gem Attraction featured on the History Channel that will take you past five of the original 1800's locks.
Erie Canalway Trail
Niagara-Western NY
Explore Erie Canalway Trail Using Our Interactive Map
Following one of the world's most famous man-made waterways, the Erie Canalway Trail spans 400 miles between Albany and Buffalo.
Erie Canal Discovery Center
Niagara-Western NY
Explore Erie Canal Discovery Center Using Our Interactive Map
Inside a c.1843 “canal stone” building, the Erie Canal Discovery Center features interactive displays and art and information on the history of the creation of the world-famous canal and locks in the 19th century.
Sam Patch Erie Canal Tours
The Finger Lakes
Explore Sam Patch Erie Canal Tours Using Our Interactive Map
Travel the routes of America’s early settlers aboard The Sam Patch, a replica of an historic packet boat, that sails daily from Pittsford...
Erie Canal Brewing Company
Central New York
Explore Erie Canal Brewing Company Using Our Interactive Map
This family-owned brewery promotes the history of hops on the Erie Canal and the use of 100% local ingredients, using only grain from their own farm and from local craft malt houses.
Erie Canal Adventures
The Finger Lakes
Explore Erie Canal Adventures Using Our Interactive Map
​Get ready for adventure! Erie Canal Adventures rents out fully outfitted, specially designed Canal Boat, letting you be your own Captain on the Erie Canal...
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