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Visit the Frederic Remington Art Museum, A Northern Take on the Old West

posted by Teresa Farrell at 2018-12-14 19:16:00

When you think about iconic images of the old west, the last place you probably expect to find a connection to is northern New York. But along the St. Lawrence River, there’s a museum dedicated to one of the most renowned and respected artists in American history, and one who provided us with many of those iconic Western paintings that come to mind. That man was Frederic Remington, and his legacy lives on today at the Frederic Remington Art Museum in Ogdensburg.

Despite his fame for his western portraits depicting cowboys, Native Americans, and soldiers, renowned turn-of-the-century artist was actually born in northern New York—and that’s where his legacy lives on today. Though Remington never lived at the Ogdensburg property, he certainly visited; the house belonged to his good friend George Hall, and after his death, his widow Eva Caten Remington lived there with her sister, Emma, as well.


 Much of the famous artist’s work is on display here, including paintings, bronzes, and drawings, but what may evoke an even greater sense of his presence is the number of personal belongings that have found their way to the Remington Museum.

Eva kept many of Frederick’s items for posterity, and today the museum is filled with thousands of annotated scrapbooks, pages of notes, and photographs; work tools Remington actually used, like easels, paintbrushes, and a sculpting stand; and even unique items like his hockey stick, cufflinks made from an elk’s teeth, and the cigars that were in his pocket before he died. Remington’s library is housed on the second floor of the museum today, as well as some of the furniture from his estate, and his paintings are displayed in the house’s former dining room.

With kids in tow, a stop at the Eva Caten Remington Education Center and Kid’s Place is in order. This area features interactive children's exhibits that allow kids to play and to learn about Frederic Remington's life in this area and his work as America's leading Western artist. Designed for kids between the ages of 4 and 14, the education center features games, puzzles, and other special items to spark young visitors' imaginations.

Fun activity choices in the galleries include measuring a life-size horse for height and weight, dipping into a trunk of nineteenth-century clothes and specialty items, preparing an Adirondack pack basket for outdoors adventures, and setting off on a scavenger hunt. This dynamic, family-friendly environment also features reading materials, explanatory displays, self-guided educational experiences, and art projects that can be done on site and then taken home. During the winter months, the museum stays open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 5, and the Kids Place and Eva Remington Education Center are open Wednesdays from 11 to 4 and weekends from 1 to 4.

Photo Credits:

Remington painting photo credit pixelsniper
North Country Roots Exhibit photo credit Frederic Remington Art Museum

Staircase view photo credit Frederic Remington Art Museum
Kid's Place photo credit Frederic Remington Art Museum

posted at: 2018-12-14 19:16:00, last updated: 2020-03-17 20:11:02

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