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Discover Cayuga Lake Aboard A Unique Finger Lakes “Eco Cruise”

posted by Teresa Farrell at 2021-06-21 09:03:00

Looking for a unique experience during your Finger Lakes getaway this summer? Look no further than a boat tour with Discover Cayuga Lake.

Discover Cayuga Lake offers a unique twist on the traditional boat cruise experience with their eco tours. Climb aboard the tour boat MV Teal for an experience that blends the relaxing appeal of a classic cruise on the sparkling waters of Cayuga Lake with an educational component that will let you learn about the interesting ecology of the Finger Lakes region, its waterways, its ecological and geological history, and the many plants and animals that call its ecosystem home.

Discover Cayuga Lake offers many different types of boat tours, and prides itself on offering an experience that is both recreational and educational. Of course, the first priority on a boat cruise is having a relaxing and enjoyable experience, and Discover Cayuga Lake delivers it.

The educational aspect of each of tours is designed to be fun and interactive—no boring lectures here! Some cruises, like the Sunset Cruise, are lighter on narration and focus more on relaxation, while others, like the Osprey Eco Cruise, Night Sky Cruise and Fall Foliage cruise, offer fascinating information about the natural surroundings you’ll experience on the cruise, like an astronomer’s interpretation of the night sky, as well as a chance to participate in hands-on activities, like collecting phytoplankton samples, part of the osprey’s food chain, and examining them under a microscope.

It’s up to you how much you choose to participate in the science side of things and how much you want to just kick back and relax. Thanks to the diversity of the programming, you can use your cruise as an opportunity to provide an excellent hands-on learning experience for the kids, or simply sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds of the lake.

There isn’t food service on the MV Teal, but guests are welcome to pack a picnic basket and bring it aboard to enjoy their own food and drink along the way. There are also special event cruises; typically, Wednesday night cruises feature a guest speaker on ecological, cultural or historic topics, while on Sunday evenings, there are “Club Cayuga” tours, with a DJ on board the traditional sunset cruise. Cruises for events  like Fourth of July firework viewing and night sky cruises during meteor showers and other celestial events are normally offered as well; check the cruise schedule to see what is being offered this summer.

Discover Cayuga Lake is also unique in its mission. Originally founded as a floating classroom program in 2003, the not-for-profit organization has strong roots in helping create access to environmental education for kids, a tradition it carries on today.

The proceeds from Discover Cayuga Lake’s public cruises go back to supporting educational efforts for kids, and information on ways to donate or support that mission is available on the Discover Cayuga Lake website and through the organization’s social media channels. You’ll find updated information on special cruises, as well as ticket information, on the website and social media channels as well.

MV Teal photo credit Discover Cayuga Lake
Boat tour with people photo credit Discover Cayuga Lake
Child with binoculars photo credit Discover Cayuga Lake
looking into microscope photo credit Discover Cayuga Lake
Sunset cruise photo credit Discover Cayuga Lake

posted at: 2021-06-21 09:03:00, last updated: 2021-07-23 14:49:46

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