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Explore the World at the 2020 New York Times Travel Show

posted by Susan Horowitz, PhD at 2020-01-28 07:30:00

Travel Dreams start at the New York Times Travel Expo and take you – anywhere!

 You can DiscoverUpstateNY.com – Explore Niagra Falls, The Finger Lakes, wineries, Long Island beaches and resorts, the Catskill Mountains – home to AshokanCenter.org  Music, Dance, and Nature Center.

Or travel to the Adirondacks National Park with Lake Placid and charming Saratoga Springs with beautiful arts, crafts, fashion, horse racing and the annual February Dance and Music Flurry with all kinds of dancing, music (mainly folk and world music) and family fun! flurryfestival.org

Discover New York – and US History – when you visit the Erie Canal! CanalNY.com This man-made water-way linked the Continental USA with New York Harbor, Europe, and the oceans of the world! It’s all in New York State (iloveny.com)!

Or travel the world as a Global Citizen!

Discover all that’s possible in Dubai! – Visit the first 2020 International Expo in Dubai in 2020: expo2020Dubai.com. You will experience exhibits from numerous countries and cultures – plus an imaginary voyage to the future!

Why stop there?

You can explore exotic and inclusive Morocco undermoroccansun.com  with a customized tour focusing on world music, ancient cultures and its unique and diverse heritage – including its Jewish (and other) communities!

You can sail the Mayflower (newly restored at a multi-million dollar cost) from Plymouth, MA to Boston on its 400th year anniversary voyage (1620-2020) SailingMayflower.org  and learn about our diverse (Native, European, African, etc.) United States Heritage at Plimoth Plantation: Plimoth.org.

While you’re in Massachusettes, don’t forget to visit Cape Cod and artistic, rainbow-friendly Provincetown a bastion of theater , gay pride, beaches, culture and fun! ptownchamber.com

As long as you’ve dipped your toes in the ocean…

Swim and Sail the Greek Islands visitGreece.gr.
Or sample fantastic Greek and Mediterranean Cuisine at the elegant Thalassa Restaurant New York City thalassanyc.com (“Thalassa” means “Sea” in Greek.)
And if you love islands, why not enjoy the beautiful Caribbean at an all-inclusive resort. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic has so much to offer at the newly renovated Impressive Resorts and Spa in Punta Cana impressiveresorts.com.

And why stop there?

Don’t you deserve a wonderful cruise – anywhere in the world? Sail with MMGY – njfpr.com. So what are you waiting for?

Soak up the sun, the sea, the culture, and the fun!
Let the New York Times Travel Show open the doors – the world is yours!

Empowering Entertainment!™
Blog & photos by: Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(interviews with Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett,
Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, etc.) https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367
 Original Musical: “SssWitch”: https://www.ssswitch.net
 CD: “For Heroes and Lovers”: https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/drsue2

posted at: 2020-01-28 07:30:00, last updated: 2020-08-26 20:20:26

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