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Enjoy End of Season in the Great Western Catskills

posted by Delaware County at 2022-10-15 08:37:00

Fall in the Great Western Catskills is a magical time when residents and visitors alike gather to appreciate the bounty of our great region. Join us for some of our favorite annual festivals and events, highlighting our agricultural past and present with the breathtaking backdrop of autumn's colors and textures.

From events like Cauliflower Festival  (September 24th) and the Delhi Harvest Festival (October 1st) to the Stamford Scarecrow Festival  (October 2nd), there is no shortage of opportunities to celebrate with us.

Of course, a fall trip upstate would not be complete without a tour of the food scene. Taste of the Catskills (October 8th & 9thth) is where thousands will gather at Maple Shade Farm in Delhi, New York to enjoy local foods from farmers, food producers, chefs, and restaurants. Visitors get the opportunity to learn how our food gets from the farm to fork in the Great Western Catskills.

This season is also the perfect time for long leisure rides along our incredible scenic by-ways. Consider Miles of Smiles (smiles28.com), offering micro-adventures along Route 28 from Kingston to Herkimer, running right through Delaware County. From Hancock to Grand Gorge, Catskill Scenic Route 30  follows the East Branch of the Delaware River through Hancock, Colchester, Andes, Middletown and their many villages and hamlets.

The Upper Delaware Scenic Byway (upperdelawarescenicbyway.org), New York State Route 97, is consistently lauded as one of the most breathtaking drives in regional and national publications. The byway traverses the western borders of Orange, Sullivan and Delaware Counties along a 70-mile stretch of the Delaware River and travelers enjoy views of rock cut landscapes and long valley vistas. And finally, The Catskill Mountain Scenic Byway  (sceniccatskills.com) is 65-mile byway running along Route 28 from the Ulster County town of Olive to the Delaware County town of Andes.

For the full list of 2022 Happenings in Delaware County, visit their Website.

Additional “must see” spots in Delaware County include the stunning view from atop Mount Utsayantha right outside the village of Stamford, New York. At 3214 feet high, “Mount U” as its lovingly referred to, has a fire tower, picnic tables and a summit building. Visitors can hike or drive most of the way up. A second recommended stop for views is Palmer Hill in Andes, New York. There is a scenic overlook with a parking area as well as a trail with spectacular views for most of its 3.7 mile length. The trailhead is located just off Route 28 between Margaretville and Andes (2 miles from downtown Andes and 9 miles from Margaretville). These are just a few of the recommended scenic views but, as you’ll discover when driving around Delaware County, you can stop along many roads and just take it all. It’s pretty beautiful throughout the entire county.

Don’t forget to stop along your drive to pick up all the pumpkins you’ll need this fall. Visit our website for a full list of farms and stands offering pumpkins of every color and size, with U-pick opportunities available at some of them.

Fall harvest in the Great Western Catskills in unparalleled – the scenery, the festivals, the bounty. Put us at the top of your list this season!

Photo Credits:
Fitches Covered Bridge, Delhi, New York. (Photo by Beautiful Destinations)
Lake Wakawaka, Halcottsville, New York. (Photo by Beautiful Destinations)
View While Driving, Delaware County, New York. (Photo by Alfredo Alcantara)
Mount Utsyantha, Stamford, New York. (Photo by Beautiful Destinations)
Rosemary Farm Sanctuary, South Kortright, New York. (Photo by Beautiful Destinations)
posted at: 2022-10-15 08:37:00, last updated: 2022-12-14 17:25:04

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