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Take Walkable Hikes around 3 Great Catskill Towns

posted by Delaware County at 2024-03-30 08:54:00

Catskill Scenic Trail

Escape to the serene Great Western Catskills for a spring trip among rolling hills and friendly small towns. Spring in Delaware County means the start of fishing season and it is also a great time for hiking. There are many towns to explore in the area, some of which have access to hiking trails within a few minutes walk of dining options, shops, and stays. Whether traveling by car or arriving by bus, there are wonderful towns to explore that have everything you need for a fantastic getaway. Read about three of Delaware County's idyllic towns that will have you within walking distance of hiking trails and amenities.  (Photo > Catskill Scenic Trail))   

Stamford, NY

Stamford, NY, has been a destination town in the Catskills since the 1870s when visitors rode the passenger train north to escape the city and find solace in the “Queen of the Catskills.” Step into nature easily in Stamford with a hike along the Catskill Scenic Trail, just a few steps off Main Street. The 26-mile trail wanders through farm fields and along waterways for a calming walk or bike ride on the retired railroad that once carried travelers to the area. Main Street in Stamford is dotted with shops and cafés, such as T.P.’s Cafe and Stamford Coffee, for fueling  up or winding down. Find mountain-themed souvenirs at Catskill Outpost and vintage at The Shops at Catskills Junction. (Photo > TP's Cafe)

Delhi, NY

Situated in the geographic center of the Great Western Catskills, the town of Delhi, NY, has a rich agricultural history reflected in the scenic landscape. The town is a lively hub along the West Branch of the Delaware River and offers a variety of dining options, charming shops, and hikes that are accessible just a short walk from the center of town. Enjoy three moderate hiking trails, the Delhi Trails at Mt. Crawford, that traverse the mountain and follow the ridgeline to showcase views of the town and far-off mountains. For a leisurely hike, visit  Smith Pond Trail which follows along the Delaware River, through pine trees and across wetlands. Drop back into town for lunch at Blue Bee Cafe or dinner at Hollow. Bring a book home from The Lost Bookshop and view the current art exhibition at Bushel Collective (Photo  > Delhi Trails at Mt. Crawford courtesy of Catskill Mountain Club)   

Andes, NY

The perfect blend of outdoor adventure and small-town amenities, Andes, NY, is a great place for an excursion with friends and family. Andes’s main thoroughfare is lined with shops and restaurants, galleries, and event spaces, all accessible within walking distance. Take a short walk from all the wonderful dining options on Main Street to enjoy an easy hike into seclusion on the Andes Rail Trail. Take in woodland beauty, and expansive farm fields, and enjoy mountain views as you wander along this gentle trail. Come back into town to browse records at Sounds Good Music House or finish the night with a drink and dinner at Dana’s Place, The Andes Hotel, or Wayside Cider. (Photo > Wayside Cider)  

These three towns all have a few things in common: accessibility to nature, small-town comfort, delicious food, and thoughtful independent shops. For a great weekend away, whether hiking in the woods or wandering around town, visit the Great Western Catskills of Delaware County.

Great Western Catskills https://greatwesterncatskills.com/
Fishing Season https://greatwesterncatskills.com/spring-fishing/
Stamford https://greatwesterncatskills.com/stamford/
Catskill Scenic Trail https://www.catskillscenictrail.org/
T.P.’s Cafe https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/t-p-s-cafe/
Stamford Coffee https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/stamford-coffee/
Catskill Outpost https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/catskill-outpost/
The Shops at Catskills Junction https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/the-shop-at-

Delhi https://greatwesterncatskills.com/delhi/
Delhi Trails at Mt. Crawford https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/delhi-trails-mt-crawford/
Smith Pond Trail https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/smith-pond-trail/
Blue Bee Cafe https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/980/
Hollow https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/hollow/
The Lost Bookshop https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/the-lost-bookshop/
Bushel Collective https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/bushel-collective/
Andes https://greatwesterncatskills.com/andes/
Andes Rail Trail https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/andes-rail-trail/
Sounds Good Music House https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/sounds-good-music-

Dana’s Place https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/danas-place/
The Andes Hotel https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/andes-hotel-and-

Wayside Cider https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/wayside-cider/

posted at: 2024-03-30 08:54:00, last updated: 2024-05-28 21:40:04

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