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Congratulations to the Kasoag Trailblazers for 50 Years of Snowmobiling

posted by Kelly Miller at 2024-01-04 07:14:00

In 1974 Evelyn and Stew Pappas founded the Kasoag Trailblazers at the Kasoag Lake Tavern, now owned by Jill and Jay Bergin.
Before Stew's passing, the current President, Jeff Hopkinson made the promise to see that the club not only stayed on track, but prospered - and it has!  The Kasoag Trailblazers of Oswego County, NY will be celebrating 50 years this year, with a Celebration on October 12th!
Jeff and a core group of dedicated volunteers oversee an almost 50-mile trail system that covers Albion, Orwell, Williamstown and Richland.

In addition to grooming during a snowy trail season, the prep-time is just as important!  Maintaining the equipment, bush hogging, trimming, chainsaw duty and hauling debris are all important duties for the snowmobiling community.
The Trailblazers are a dedicated group of individuals who maintain and promote outdoor recreational activities in the area. The group's focus is on preserving natural resources, building and maintaining trails and fostering a sense of community among outdoor enthusiasts.

Every Member is committed to providing opportunities for snowmobiling while making the most of the beautiful natural landscapes that Oswego County has to offer.
The Kasoag Trailblazers are grateful to the landowners that grant permission to groom and ride the trails, to the Members, and to contributors that help fund the system behind the scene. These include the Kasoag Lake Tavern, Altmar Hotel, Williamstown American Legion Post 1128, Rusty Roof, Circle K, Lavender Skye Day Spa, Buck's Williamstown and the Tailwater Lodge.
To share a quote from Harry S. Truman about these great supporters:  'It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.'

All Photos Property of Kelly Miller
posted at: 2024-01-04 07:14:00, last updated: 2024-02-09 06:26:08

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