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Learn About Loons at Saranac Lake’s Adirondack Loon Center

posted by Teresa Farrell at 2021-05-25 20:25:00

Of many animals that call the Adirondacks  home, one seems to be the most iconic emblem of the region for many—the Common Loon. Beautiful and sometimes elusive, listening to their haunting cries echoing over a lake on a still night is a quintessential Adirondack experience. But the loon isn’t just a resident of the six-million-acre park—it has a story all its own. Experience that story this summer with a trip to the Adirondack Loon Center  in Saranac Lake.
The Adirondack Loon Center, operated by the nonprofit Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation, is part visitor center, part gift shop, and part educational experience, all focused on this beloved Adirondack bird. Residents, tourists and students alike flock to the center to learn about the greater wildlife and environmental conservation efforts of the Adirondacks through the lives of loons. Open in downtown Saranac Lake  since 2016, the center, staffed by loon lovers and environmental experts, offers exhibits, education, and tons of loon-themed gifts. Here, visitors can learn about the vocalization, migration, habitats and habits of the loons, and even take a field trip to see them in the wild (from a distance, of course!)
The center makes an interesting stop for the casual visitor, inquisitive kid (or adult!) or anyone interested in the Adirondacks  and the environment, as well as loon lovers from all over, thanks to the variety of information on display and rustic gifts for sale. Presentations, field trips, and even “Loon Zooms” scheduled throughout the summer offer an opportunity to learn about the loons, whether you’re near and far; an updated list of summer 2021 events will be available on the organization’s website as the dates get closer.  For now, the Adirondack Loon Center is open Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; you can also visit their online store.
The more people learn about the lives of loons, and the ecology of the Adirondacks  that supports them, the more awareness is raised for conservation efforts and scientific research that will protect them, and their habitat, for generations to come. There are opportunities to support the Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation’s efforts, through events, donations, volunteer work, and simply spreading the word; the details are all available on the organization’s website  and social media accounts. You’ll also want to check there before making the trip to be sure the center is open during your visit.

Enjoying this kind of hands-on experience and education makes it even more special when you see or hear a loon during your wilderness experience in the Adirondacks—next time you hear them calling to one another, you may even be able to figure out what they’re ‘talking’ about!


Closeup loon photo credit Nina Schoch Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation
Loon taking flight photo credit Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation
Loon planter photo credit Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation
Adirondack Loon Center storefront photo credit Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation

posted at: 2021-05-25 20:25:00, last updated: 2021-05-25 20:55:55

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